Friday, January 13, 2012

Don't be a Bitch.

whadup. It's getting pretty early and it's been a while since I have been able to post from my computer. And I've realised that this blog  isn't very interesting to look at because THERE IS NO PICTURES. so here are some images to show a mixture of feelings in my head at the moment.

Year 12 is just around the corner, around the next 2 weeks. That's coolios. Wait what. I mean ngahhhhhhhh

Really attractive I know (: But I've really been thinking about the year.. and all the good things that I would have achieved by the end of this year and how proud of myself I would be. By the end of this year I hope that I would have done these things:

  • Had an awesome night at my formal
  • Continued to blog throughout the year
  • Attempted to sleep at least by 10 on school nights *fingerescrossed*
  • Kept my true friends close
  • Lived through QCS
  • Come through year 12 in one piece and be a better person from it.
But don't get me wrong there have been lots of times that I have set goals and just been a defiant little butt  like this,

Which is completely true, I may not be a child any longer. But as it was said before "if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, its a freaking duck". If you look like a child, and act like a child, well sorry but you're still a kid. One thing that I will really try to do this year is make more time for my friends, because I know from experience last year that if you don't give any attention to your friends, they wont for you either.
Why should other people treat you nice if you're just being a bitch.
 Totally agreed. So that't about it I think for this post. Oh just to anyone who actually reads any of my stuff hahas I still haven't got photoshop to make my background transparent so DEAL WITH IT and OHOH going formal dress shopping tomorrow today YAYAYYAYA (: lub you x

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