Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Colgate Max White

I wanted to blog from my laptop today but it's being really stupid so I guess I'll just write another post from my phone.

I actually have an English oral tomorrow and I'm actually a little scared for it.. School orals scare the shit nuts out if me. True story. So fml.

Okay enough depressing talk actually wait one more little rage ahaha (: I have a really good friend or I always thought we are... Anyways I don't know if I'm paranoid or something but I swear when I called him he went offline I'm sure there is always a good reason or what not but I won't lie. I think I'm getting too into this friendship and if I'm not careful he is probably going to get freaked out or some shit and think I want to marry him :| and I don't mean to but I think if you're the one who cares more in the friendship you would probably be head over heels or some shit but holy shit alarm bells should be ringing like crazy. And I miss him. I fucking miss him. But I doubt it does..

Okay now no more depressing talk.

I bought this toothpaste a few days ago and I've been using it I wouldn't say it works like magic or anything but I think I might be seeing a little tiny tiinie little bit of whitening... Maybe? I'll let you know how it goes.. :S

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