Sunday, June 3, 2012


for the boring layout of my posts lately, I have been too lazy to blog properly so I've been posting from my phone and as you can see there are not very many options available. I feel like posting about a few things so well just see how this post turns out then (:

Exams are coming up, and because I should be studying but I am writing this blog post instead I'll just list my exams out for no particular reason. Hopefully, it will give me the kick in the ass I need to absorb all this content.

Monday 4/6/2012
Japanese Listening Exam

Wednesday 6/6/2012
Japanese Writing Exam
Chemistry Exam

Thursday 7/6/2012
Accounting Exam (Part 1)

Friday 8/6/2012
Japanese Speaking Exam

Tuesday 12/6/2012
Maths B Exam

Wednesday 13/6/2012
English Oral

Friday 15/6/2012
Maths C Exam
Accounting Exam (Part 2)

Well that is quite a substantial list... So fml.

edit; until I get on my computer writing done against the exam will do.

I was watching a few shows and just from random happenings I heard these words which I didn't really know what they meant so I had to dictionary them or 'define google' them (Y)


Showing luminous colors that seem to change when seen from different angles.


  1. Make (a person, idea, or piece of legislation) weaker or less effective.
  2. Deprive (a man) of his male role or identity: "he feels emasculated because he cannot control his sons' behavior".

and because no matter how many times I look this up I always forget


A deep, pensive, and long-lasting sadness.

There are probably more but that is all I can think of off the top of my head at the moment

I wanted to write this up because even though it's probably a little late its always better late than never yeah?
(well maybe not in this case..) but here goes:

My Goals for the other half of this Year 2012

  • Finish with an OP 5 at least.
  • English: Read more, Listen more, Try more. HA5+
  • Maths B: Revise, Revise, Revise. VHA5+
  • Maths C: Same as above. VHA5+
  • Chemistry: Ask more questions. HA8+
  • Japanese: Start listening in class! VHA7+
  • Accounting: Stop procrastinating! VHA5+
  • Sleep at a decent hour on school nights.
  • Study every night and go to SLQ or stay back at school if needed.
  • Pay attention in class and revise diligently.
  • Have enough energy during the day to function properly.
  • Save up money because I buy too much shit.
  • Organise my life out so that I don't have mental breakdowns when everything gets overwhelming.
  • Find my balance personal, social, school.
  • Start getting my hours up for learning to drive.
  • Relax and recoup during the June/July holidays and make memories in Japan in the September holidays and finish term 4 with a bang!

It's a pretty big list but I still think everyone is capable if they put their mind to it. And I am sure that if I put my mind to it I will be able to reach these goals.

Over and out x

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