Tuesday, September 18, 2012


So I have just finished reading the 387 page book that is Adorkable by Sarra Manning in pretty much a day and a morning which is pretty crazy considering that this is exams week and all and that in about 8 hours I'll be in an exam with next to nil study preparation..

I don't plan on sleeping tonight but hey it's not really night time anymore considering it is quite early in the morning. I probably could just hop off to bed and not give a damn about my exams today but I feel like that would probably be one of those really stupid things to do that you would look back to later and just say wow, wasn't that stupid? and I don't want to be one of those people who just regret the things that they do in their life.

So yes, I finished this book and continued to read it even though I knew that I should have been doing something really more productive and yeah.. I probably should be writing up my accounting report instead of writing this blog post but hey its what I'm doing. Overall I quite liked this book. It did have an underlying message, a pretty hot and easily imaginable guy in it and some of the situations are pretty rational, although there was just all those steamy paragraphs of sexual tension which I probably enjoyed a little too much..

I couldn't really put this book down once I'd started to get into the story, it sorta always kept me wanting to know what happened next and anticipating the next chapter but always ending up surprised and often wide-eyed.

I wouldn't say this was an amazing read but it did teach me about individuality, ambition, human emotion and that sexual tension can stuff anything up.

Okay, onto accounting now. Wish me luck?
... Nah it's okay I'll just wish it for myself..

Monday, September 17, 2012

easy going?

So we flew over the Atlantic for about seven hours. Michael watched three films and I ate Haribo and worked on my presentation. When it was time to give my speech, I'd appear to be winging it when, in reality, I'd rehearsed it so many times that I was word-perfect and didn't even need to look at my notes. I'd thrown in a few ums and ahs because nobody likes a smartarse seventeen-year old, and I probably would fall over my sentences at the start from nerves but then I planned to be funny and insightful and the voice of my generation, which wasn't difficult as my generation was woefully inarticulate.

Adorkable, Sarra Manning page 251

I really liked this paragraph I'm not really sure why maybe because it showed me that nothing comes easily and even though it seems to look effortless there is actually a lot of effort and motivation to achieve what seems to be so easy.

I probably aren't all that great at articulating my words either but that's why I am trying to expand my vocabulary. It's not an easy thing to do but I guess everything is a little tough in the beginning.

So yeah, I guess let's just see how this goes I don't really know the reasons why I write in this blog but then again something might come out of this whole experience and if nothing does something will one day and I'll think to myself thank god I put in that effort to achieve something. That probably won't happen right away though because I'm actually the most slack, lazy, unmotivated person right now. I guess it kinda shows in this blog too. It's all over the place and has no structure.

I'm trying to give my life structure and somehow move through the obstacle course I've set for my life. But I don't know maybe I'm on the wrong tangent at the moment or something. So yeah, sorry if this blog is all in loose ends and indecisiveness. Not that I think that I have any loyal readers or anything I don't think I'd even read my own blog AHA!

But if there is anyone who listens to my rants and just plain stupid posts sometimes, thank you. It means a lot to me. More than you'd think hey.

word of the day #1 (WOTD)

belligrent: while reading Adorkable.

I might add in a little rant because I have like so little motivation since yesterday after maths c tutor to do anything productive except read and try to increase my vocabulary. But I still have 4 exams like seriously? WHYYYYYY I can like see the finish line but I've just collapsed out of exhaustion? or just pure laziness. Probably the later.

Oh but Phil did ask me to the movies last night which resulted in a quite embarrassing text to Linda involving a lot of OGMOGMOGMGOMGGGGGG and YAAAAAAAAAAYS I don't really know why I was so happy.. oh wells we'll see how it goes I guess. I don't know what we are though, friends? more than friends? maybe its what I've been reading with all the juicy sex scenes which don't leave much to the imagination if you know what I mean..



Hostile and aggressive.
A nation or person engaged in war or conflict, as recognized by international law.
Synonyms:warring - militant - bellicose

Thursday, September 13, 2012


and AMEN to that. I have a maths B exam tomorrow and I am not keen to the least. Even though, this is the last exam of the week which should be a little more comforting.. its not. fricking WHY YOU GOTTA BE SO HARD D:

Oh and did I tell you I got my Maths C assignment marks back? nah I didn't aha alright marks I hope they bring me up A+, A, A I think its around there..  I'm majorly crossing my fingers for the exam because I swear AJKFBDKGJBDJGK RAGEEEEE

Anyways, I should probably get back to revising about deriving and integrating but writing up this blog post is SO DAYUM FUN or maybe just like a lame excuse for procrastinating AHA the later is the true one :D


Saturday, September 8, 2012

list inception.. listception?

Since writing lists is something I seem to do on a daily basis..

  • Not gonna lie I really want to wash my face..  ye no more yucky feeling and I cleaned my bathroom sink at the same time so (Y)
  • Get changed out of my pj's (unlikely) I partly did.. good enough
  • Clear up the junk on my desk so I can study now eei...
  • LET some LIGHT into this FRIGGIN CAVE
  • Eat my strawberries with homemade nutella :D (in progress) oh oh TIP: if you don't have nutella at home and you really want to eat strawberries with chocolate and cbf melting some take a HEAAAAP of milo and mix with a little chocolate milk or any milk really and BAM chocolate! sorta. Hope that doesn't sound super bogan.. -__-
  • uh my chemistry eei? (IN PROGRESS!!!! 10.57-11.40, 11.55-12.19, 1.13-2.01)
  • Write an email reply to my Japanese host family
  • Revise for Japanese Reading exam (in progress 2.05-2.45)
  • Go to the Senior Drama night???  ask before 2 !!! (NOT GOING #RAGERAGE)
  • Charge my phone, iPod, iPad (in progress)
  • Text Jean my right number!
  • Procrastinated watching Hot Chelle Rae Honestly, We are never ever every getting back together and Sorry for party Rockin 
  • Brushed my teeth x2
  • Scored 50 Thredless shirts for 'chance' to win the $75 voucher YE (inprogress 12.19-12.49 HOLY WASTED HALF AN HOUR :O and its only for a 'chance' to win FRICK)
  • Filled in my brows eheh
  • Sending Katie a get well message and taking ages to find the right thing to say DX

Update 7.29pm So after about 3 I have just basically procrastinated for like 4 hours.. I did write up a whole bunch of Japanese revision and stuff but overall wasted a good.. 4 hours =.=  FUARK YOU SCHOOL


Friday, September 7, 2012

exams exams life reflection?

It's hard to believe that I can finally count how many days of schooling I have left without complication anymore. 40 days. It's actually a little frightening because that means that I have 14 days left of this term. Which is 168 hours or 10080 minutes or 604800 seconds of which I probably will waste 3600 writing this post and procrastinating... That's an hour for all you math haters.

So, for the next 2 weeks I have a lot of assessment to finish and ): I'm trying not to let it get to me but really inside I'm freaking out bro.

Monday 10/9/2012 (3days, 72 hours, 4320 minutes, 259200 seconds away)
Chemistry WINE EEI DUE! (fuarrrrk bro)

Tuesday 11/9/2012 (4days, 96 hours, 5760 minutes, 345600 seconds away)
Japanese Reading Exam

Thursday 13/9/2012
English Unseen Exam

Friday 14/9/2012
Maths B Exam

Monday 17/9/2012
Japanese Speaking Exam

Tuesday 18/9/2012
Japanese Writing Exam
Accounting Exam

Wednesday 19/9/2012
Maths C Exam

Thursday 20/9/2012
CMT Moderation Day
Dying my hair with Jadicus

Friday 21/9/2012

Okaaaaay that's a whole lot of shit to get though in 2 weeks..
Everyone tells you lots of stories about your last year of high school and I reckon you just have to live it for yourself and not regret the things that you do. We all can be told a million billion times that we should study, eat well, sleep early, revise x100000, not stress out, take time to relax. But it rarely works out like that. Or maybe it does but it didn't in my year of schooling.

In the end its about your own choices and yeah, in the end it is your life. All those years in primary school that you wanted independence and responsibility of your own life. Well.. here you go, its there for you to take but honestly, I don't think I'm ready for it. And no, I am not embarrassed to say that. I know that its worse to fail at something and by having too much of an ego to admit that you have done something wrong.

I won't say that I regret anything I have done this year, because it has all been my decisions. And I know I made some really shitty ones this time around but hey, you only get to go through this once and everyone is bound to make mistakes. And sometimes they really bring you down and its fricking hard to get up. It might take a while but in the end you will get there. (No QCS pun intended aha I'm so funny ^^)

But anyway. I should probably get onto that Chemistry EEI that I have dreaded WITH PASSION UNTIL NOW!

ciao x

Sunday, September 2, 2012

define: abhorrent

learnt a new word today! Although it is another one of those negative words..  Inspiring disgust and loathing; repugnant. Detestable.
and I was like YO. that's an interesting word.