Thursday, November 15, 2012

counting the hours

I can't believe that I am less than 48 hours from being graduated high school. It's pretty hard to believe that tonight is my graduation dinner and then by tomorrow mid morning I'll be finished.

omg. thats so crazy. and for some reason I don't want to sleep tonight I dunno why.. that's all yo.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


so I have only 3 assessment pieces left before I officially finish highschool aw yee super keen yo.

but I have hit the no motivation thing or I never really got over it..
so I'm writing up another to do list on my blog because it seems that its one of the best ways for me to actually accomplish something for me during the day.. and I think I'll do sub categories so I feel like I've done more than I have.. reverse psychology much?


  • English oral (7.00pm-
    • Introduction
    • Body One
    • Body Two
    • Rebuttle
    • Call to Action
    • Conclusion
  • All before tomorrow duh my oral is tomorrow... 
  • Maths C Revision I did a little.. and tutor today counts!
  • Skype Study Session for Maths C with MRkins
  • Clean the dinning table
  • Clean the sofa
  • Folded a basket of clothes
  • Arrange the rug nicely 6.59pm
  • Close the windows its getting a little chilly 6.59pm
  • Accounting Oral Write up
  • Clean the bathroom floor
  • Organise the bathroom counter
  • Clean my bedroom floor
  • Vacuum my room and the house
  • Talk to Phil when I get sad
  • stop procrastinating with this blog post and actually do something.. LEGO 7.00pm

Monday, November 5, 2012

early morning moods.

so its like 2.31am right now and i am pretty tired but I'm not asleep and I have no idea why. I should probably be doing some of my assignment but I don't think my brain will be very productive right now. So yeah I can't even seem to be able to make sentences that flow right now.. And I just have like a whole range of feeling going through my head right now like I feel angry and peeved and just like all weird inside and I feel like crying or something I don't know if its like hormones or something but I just feel like weird. argh I don't make any sense!

Anyways I think im like just so annoyed because I said I wouldn't let it get to me and all taht shiz but I really don't like my brother being friends with John.. Like it's not liek I can do anything to stop him from being friends with him but seriously what can I do about it? I can't tell my brother about anything that happened and it seems like I'm just torturing myself I don't even know why I am so angry about it like its in the past and everything. and I should just like be over it but I just can't seem to get over that he was in my house. that he was touching the things like I live in.. I didn't even want to go to the living room because I felt like almost repulsed by touching something that he had touched. HE WAS IN MY FUCKING HOUSE. Now I have no where to hide. nothing I can do about privacy I don't know what to do..

I just want to cry like cry it out and get over it but I don't think its even worth the tears what an assface you fucking ruined my life. i hate you jonh. i truly do.