Sunday, July 29, 2012

decisions, decisions

I must say blogging is currently such a damn chore. But I guess if I was really committed to blogging it would be something that I loved to do instead of a distant thought somewhere in the back of my head.

That day may come.. eventually.

I'm thinking of doing some product reviews for everyone I guess even if it is just another post about a product saying the same things I still like to read them. I'll think about which ones to post about I guess and I haven't been posting photos up lately because whenever I read blogs they always have dslr's and epic megapixels and I have a shitty diggy cam. WOO.

ALSO, I'm planning to buy a Clarisonic Mia YAYAYAY I've been eyeing for one for a really long time now and I have finally found some on eBay from reliable stores WIN. but now I can't decide on the colour I want to get ):

I wish Clarisonic made cases so that you could switch up the design to whatever when you wanted to! That would be EPIC :D I'm tossing it up between Green, Lavender, Ice Blue and Blue



It's getting pretty late I think I'll start getting ready for bed and maybe write up some of my maths assignment and do some cleaning.. okay I take that back I'll not be getting ready for bed any time soon (:

Friday, July 20, 2012

been slack.

I guess  (I know) I've been really slack about blogging lately. Sorry ):

But I am going to make another list! because that's what I mostly do on this blog.. And normally I don't follow them so :S AHAHA okay. 

1. Bake Macaroons, but if it comes down to it buy some macaroons (:
BUT I don't really see what the craze about macaroons is about lately? Is it just because it looks posh? "A little taste of London?" I don't really understand what all the hype is about other than they looking pretty and costing more a lot more chump change.

2. Less Junk, More Healthy?
So, less Macca's and more fruit and veg? YUMYUM

Some Inspiration;

3. Um.. Study?
Ahahaha I'm so funny... >>"

If my study space looked like this..
Or this..
There would be no work done. Guaranteed. I'd be so distracted about the pictures on my wall and self praising non-stop for all the effort taken into decorating them. Aw yee.

Find a study buddy

Okay, toodles x

Thursday, July 19, 2012

A tough time..

So I haven't blogged in a while and it is because there has been some shit that's gone down and I won't lie it wasn't good. But I don't want to get into that.

It's now nearly the end of week 2 of term 3 and celebration day will be in a week which is pretty scary...

And yeah there isn't that much else I guess just need to keep my head down and study this term I reckon.

Term 3 LEGO.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Term 3.

Oh holy shit nutts here comes term 3.

It's right around the corner and I don't think I feel anything, if any ready. Fuck.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

all good things come to an end.

I don't want to sound pessimistic but I really do believe that if something is going so amazingly good for you, there is always something dark lurking around the corner.

and when it hits you its not nice.. it makes you feel so shit.

so hey this post is about that guy again because frankly, I seem to always need to vent about these problems. And what better place than blogger? Anyways, this guy is a pretty nice but he can sometimes be a total ass. Well I guess you expect that from a guy that games.. a lot but still. I got pretty used to the ass behavior and all that not that I care for this guy or anything but yeah. So I was pretty used to him leaving the call later so that he could game with his friends. That was cool I had other stuff to do during the night too.

But, for three days in a row we called for at least 4 hours until one of us falls asleep and his laptop runs out  of battery. And that was cool like I liked talking to him and stuff but by the third day the fatigue and everything was getting a little overwhelming but I still somehow stayed awake til about 2 and then died. But today is the fourth day and I called him during the day and it was alright but I could tell that we were sick of each others company.. and we just didn't talk in the call and it was pre awkies.

But that doesn't mean that this is a good thing coming to an end I just reckon that too much of anything is not good for you and more than three days was obviously too much for us. I hope that I don't make this friendship weird and shit because I really need to focus for this term. This term will basically make or break my grades and OP so yay.

Why is finding the balance so fucking hard?