Saturday, May 19, 2012

isn't she lushly?

I really don't think I have much motivation to blog and I don't think people would really read this blog much anyways now that I think about it this blog is more for me than for me. yeah pretty selfish I know :/

Okay well I'm just going to ramble about a few things because I should be doing work for school but my brain and body are just so damn lazy and well that means that I am pretty lazy too. aaha... not funny.

FIRSTLY, I want to talk about Lush because I wouldn't say that I am a 'lushie' but I do really like some of their products (Y) although some of them I just kind of go... wtf is that? geddit? Lush isn't a gift from god sent from above like some people say it is. Believe me its not, but it is a pretty innovative shop.

I've already talked about my Herbalism and the Cupcake mask in a previous post here. I would like to try a lot more Lush products but most of them I don't think are essential for your life they are more wants rather than needs.

My wish list so far :D

  • Angels on Bare Skin Cleanser: I'e hear so so so many good things about this cleanser and I really want to try it out just to see what the fuss is about 
  • Penguin Knot Wrap: Present packaging for Ayaka maybeee
  • Sexy Peel Soap: I've smelt this in the store and its really refreshing and just BAM wakes you up
  • You Snap the Whip: Sounds great from reviews might try it out
  • Coalface: Has always always fascinated me 
  • Fresh Face Masks: For every now and then pampering I really want to try Brazened Honey and Oatfix
  • It Started With A Kiss: Lip tint with an amazing red colour my friend has it and I steal it all the time (:
  • Big: Just another one of these hear so many good reviews on it gotta try it

So yes, Lush is pretty amazing but don't get too carried away there is no such thing as a shop that has EVERYTHING you want.. thats just not possible. I might write a few more reviews up as I go and cross out the products if I buy them :D

Well I think I have wasted enough time on the interwebs for today until next time x

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