Thursday, February 23, 2012

During School..

It seems like I'm neglecting this blog :( and I kind of am.. ahah. sorry. I'm actually in class at the moment. Actually I don't think I have much to talk about but I should be getting my OP prediction today so that's pretty exciting.. but a little scary :S But I think it will be the kick in the ass I need.. Maybe ahahah I should really care about school more................... GAHHHH 

Okay I don't know what else to blog about and I should get back to doing work too... BYE.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Oh. Gee.

So it's beeen a loooongggggg time since I last blogged and it's not because I didn't remember. Cos I did. Heaps. But its because every time I wanted to post something and I started writing it sounded like I was illiterate or something so I decided to write when I was like thinking. Like a normal human being. 

Anyways nothing much has happened lately, but I have been super tired and a little sick so I was sneezing like this 

So I was eating lots of comfort food to cheer me up like these :D

and some of this....

I've been loving watching  Boys Before Flowers ^^

and and (:

So then I was looking at old photos from last year or so and then photos from an outing yesterday and I realised. 

So I got really upset and started being like this.

so now I'm determined and this is what I want.

And now I've been trying to drink these special tea which is pretty yucky..

but I've had this dilemma quite.. frequently :S
but I'm getting through it and hopefully it will work :D

Anyways that is my life in a few pictures. I'm not really looking forward to this new week of school everything is going so fast and its been making me so stressed and I'm starting to break out D:
SO. I am going to take some panadol for this freaking headache I have right now ): and I'll catch you guys later x

Monday, February 13, 2012

Blogger mobile

Just trying this out I hope it works...


Monday, February 6, 2012


Lately the weather has been pretty unforgiving, it's hot in the morning, hotter during the day, hot in the afternoon and humid in the evening. I swear there is no win-win situation in this weather unless you want to kill the environment and use the air-con or a fan :\ 

I feel pretty happy today, even though I had a depressing night I think I got over it and once I was at school just forgot about everything that happened at home. Which is good (: My classes went by pretty fast and before I knew it I was at home again but in way better spirits YAYAY~ At the moment I am organising my images in and my golly I have hearted a lot! I want to do some working out tonight too if I have the energy :S BUT I must study!! 

Probably update this post later x

lets get some COLOUR

Have you ever felt so unmotivated that you just don't want to do anything with your life? That's sort of what I feel like now. And I feel like I just need someone to talk to me, not scream at me. Someone to want to care. And you'd think that that person would be your own mother.

I'm not going to say hurtful things but the key to a good relationship is communication. And I don't have any of that with my mum. Yeah, I just assumed all asian parents are like this and we're all antisocial and don't express love. But is it that hard just to say "What's wrong?" or "How have you been?" Do they really not know how to show they care? It's just 'Why aren't you studying?" "You haven't done your work today" "Do your work! Why don't you focus" And you know what saying this stuff just makes me stoop lower and you don't care. And you know what if I'm not strong enough you're just going to squish me too.

Anyways, I think thats enough depressing talk for now but one more thing! I tried on my formal dress and I got FAT D: It's like tight on me and I can't breathe so I'm like major OMGMOGMOGMGOGM right now :\

I fell asleep and you woke me up and screamed at me again, I didn't show it to you then but I'm crying fucking crying and you dont give a fuck. bitch.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

WHA 4AM already D:

When I think back on the week I had, the first full week of highschool summed up in one word? Shit. 

And today was a total waste of time, I want to like kick myself in the head or something cos I feel like so stupid. But on Friday night I was so tired because of how tiring the first week was so I just ended up sleeping on the floor still in my uniform around 7.30pm and not waking up til 8 something and I watched 'Once upon a time in Cabramatta' which I think is a very good tv show about a town in Sydney. I wouldn't say that I would be able to relate to what these people have gone through but I can understand what they are talking about. 

After I went house viewing with my mum and then we went shopping at DFO Jindalee which is not as dead as I thought it would be hahas. But one thing that I bought and LOVEEE is a pair of Tony Bianco shoes!! Just so in love with them right now~ and they are so freaking comfortable its AMAZING.

After I got home I watched my drama 'Boys Before Flowers' and then got major depressed because it's nearly the end of the series D; and multi tasked to the max by folding the clothes too. YE BRU

And then I did some work/ salary and then we went out to eat dinner at Sunnybank yumyum then I did the rest of the salary and finished and then surfed the net and watched another episode of 'Once upon a time in Cabramatta' and now its like 3.30AM so woo I'm going to have so much fun at tutor at 9. FML

Oh and on the topic of profanity I was reading a blog and I can't believe how much she says 'wtf' like maybe once in a while to express a stronger 'what the heck'ness' but not in like every second sentence ffs just putting that out there cheeserland. not hating but seriously. 

okay tired/dead x

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Later in the morning of that day..

So it's like 6.30AM now and I've woken up and had a shower after legit 2 hours max of sleep which is pretty bad and I feel like shieeeeet nuts so abskfbasj,hfbskeuyfgkyuesgfuhlsdbflyudsbfilsebfjhbds rage.

I have started my English but it's still not like 'good' English so I need to tweak it around and stuff aishhh~

Anyways this is a short post I'm off to school soons. Wish me luck not to die 8/ my eyeballs hurt ):

Ahahahahahaha when I was looking for a photo to show how bad my eyebags are and I found this one and o.m.g this is exactly what my alarm clock looks like on my phone!

Sadface ):

So it's like nearly 2AM and yes it is a school day but I can't sleep until I finish so much shit that I have to do but freaking been procrastinating so much today. Today has been pretty like yuck actually but I woke up pretty energized I just don't know where all my energy went.. Well I gave in to temptation and am currently drinking a Red Bull but just my luck I put the can on the chair and ended up knocking it over and spilling all that caffeine and taurine onto the floor *facepalm* but anyways my nose has been running like freaking annoying and my brain is just like. Stupid right now. And I'm kinda in the mood to just like watch sad movies and cry all day.. Okay that's weird.

Let's start I'm the beginning. This morning I woke up really energized pretty ready for the day and pumped! Not really.. And then I got to school and all that energy died. Like just dropped out of me worthless on the pavement. But at least I only had 3 subjects today so I wouldn't have to kill my brain so much right? WRONG! Of course cmt was nothing but believe me chemistry killed my brain like chemistry took my brain and it felt like it was being forced though a sieve with a wooden spoon. It freaking hurt like a bitch. Finally it was morning tea but it felt like it should have been the end of the day already.

So double maths c yay. Actually, maths c was quite alright because I actually understand the work yayayayya but I was pretty tired I guess but it was bearable (: pastoral care was more tiring and then I got home and wanted to like collapse and die lol. Exaggeration much? But I still had tutor f.m.l 4 hours of maths after a double of math already today woo.. Anyways me and chantel were like dying at tutor so we went to the takeaway shop next door and there was this freaking guy there and he like called me fat so I was pretty pissed. Like you don't call a girl fat are you freaking serious? Do you want to die? Anyways Tavis was at tutor so (: anyways got home and like procrastinated majorly and now I'm writing this and listening to victor Kim music cos he's so calming and I just love him right now :D

If I don't start writing my English I will be supremely stuffed so I should start... Now. Gogogogogogog you can do it~~~~

Updated: 4/2/2012 Just making it look prettier (: